
Randall’s Ramblings, May 7, 2017

Brilliant sunshine bouncing off the one-foot waves this morning created a wall of intense light, making it difficult to see. When my eyes could refocus, not a cloud could be seen. A crisp morning with a slight breeze to be sure, but very welcome after several days with thick, heavy clouds and blustering winds.

And so begins another Sunday on the lake as the waves continue to smooth the sand, having removed the stones which infiltrated over the past couple of weeks. Now there is a smooth beach, untouched by humans, with a thin line of nature’s refuse along the shore. Easy to clean up and make the beach perfect!

My Work in Progress

In case you missed it, The Lakeshore Guardian, a monthly newspaper on the Thumb of Michigan provided a review of The Kurdish Connection. It’s now linked on my publisher’s website, Moonshine Cove Publishing, LLC (just click on their name to link to the article). They also added a worthy sentence: “Randall Krzak’s novel of the Kurd’s struggle against Turkey, THE KURDISH CONNECTION, is so relevant that it reads like today’s headline news.”

Despite a myriad of external tasks this week, I still managed to squeeze in more writing on Dangerous Alliance. The first draft of chapter eighteen is now complete and will be posted in the next couple of days so my reviewers can check it out.  All other works on other projects are on hold until I at least complete Dangerous Alliance‘s overall first draft.

Here’s another snippet for you:

Light filtered through narrow slats nailed across a window. Dust particles shimmered in the sun’s beams, creating a pattern in the air. A body slumped on the concrete floor stirred.

Ooh. Aah.

He pushed himself to a kneeling position. A whimper escaped from swollen lips. Eyes mere slits, black and blue streaks surrounded them. Dried blood crusted his upper lip. He collapsed again.

Soo struggled to his feet. He wrapped the blanket closer and glanced around the room. A closed gunmetal gray door was centered on the wall opposite the blocked window. Near the door, an armless chair, his clothes in a neat stack.

A door slammed. Footsteps. Voices, growing louder.

“What’s the meaning of this? Who are you? Why did you kidnap me?”

Four men, faces hidden behind latex party masks formed a semi-circle in front of him. One retrieved the chair, placing it under the light. “Sit.”

Perhaps more next week.

Books I’m Reading

I finished David L. Golemon’s The Mountain: An Event Group Thriller.  The tenth book in the series, for me this was one of his best. While very different from other books in the series, this one centered on a historical artifact, one of the first obtained by the Group. Set during the Civil War, President Lincoln sends a group of Yankees and Rebels on what might possibly be a total folly.

Experience the intense emotions of the Northerners and Southerners as they steam away from the fighting. Escaping from British and French warships, they eventually end up in the Black Sea. Their destination–Mount Ararat and the fabled Ark. A professor who has witnessed the Ark first hand is sent with the team (along with some foreign spies who infiltrated the professor’s team), which begins to experience untimely and inexplicable deaths, even before landing on the shores of Trabzon.

While a bit slow to start, the pace rapidly picks up and like David’s other books, I couldn’t put it down. This isn’t just a tale about Noah’s Ark but also about the beliefs and devastation the Civil War launched upon the country. A worthy read!

Blogs/Author Pages/Writing Sites I’d Like to Share

I’ve expanded this section from being only about blogs that I follow but also introduce you to some new authors and a few writing sites.

ReadersAbode – Don’t forget to check this site out. Created by a group of writers spread across several continents, there’s sure to be something of interest. Thus far, the site contains short stories and poems written by its members, several blog posts and interviews with established authors. Or check it out on Twitter: @readersabode. The next bi-weekly posting will be out sometime today.

Once again, we’ve reached the end of another ramble.  Hope you’ve found something of interest or at least useful for your own writing.  Until the next time, thank you for reading!

© Copyright 2017 Randall Krzak. All rights reserved.



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