
Randall’s Ramblings, February 25, 2018

With the last weekend in February underway, it’s hard to believe how time seems to speed up as we advance in age. I can remember when school years took forever to end so we could get to summer. Now, I blink and the seasons roll by.

Never mind, there’s nothing any of us can do to put the breaks on. We’ve all heard the saying, ‘time marches on’ and it’s true.

My Work in Progress

I didn’t do much editing on Dangerous Alliance over the past week as I devoted much of my writing time to reviewing work of fellow writers who have been so gracious in their efforts to critique mine. It’s only fair I return the favor.

Someone asked me this week about my writing plans and where do my stories come from. The simple answer? From everywhere. It could be a suggestion from another writer, which is the case with A Cartel’s Revenge, or it could be a thought passing by after reading news articles or watching a news broadcast. Sometimes, they just pop into my head. At least one came from reviewers of a short story I wrote who said it would make a good novel.

Whatever the source, in addition to Dangerous Alliance, I have three other novels in progress–plenty of writing for me to do. I’ve also penned initial synopses for another eight plots, with tentative titles. Plenty to write about–now I just need the time!

Books I’m Reading

I recently finished reading Deception by Bill Ward and Stoddard’s Gold by John Rose Putnam. I’ll share my thoughts with you next time.

Blogs/Author Pages/Writing Sites I’d Like to Share

I’ve expanded this section from being only about blogs that I follow but also introduce you to some new authors and a few writing sites.

Room With Books – Check out this blog by Patricia Green. Read her reviews of a variety of genres and select the next novel or novella you’ll pick up from your favorite online or bricks and mortar store.

That brings us to a close for another week. Hope you’ve found something of interest or at least useful for your own writing.  If you have any suggestions for a topic you’d like to read about, please let me know. Until the next time, thank you for reading.

© Copyright 2018 Randall Krzak. All rights reserved




2 thoughts on “Randall’s Ramblings, February 25, 2018”

  1. Yes, time seems to zip by– In fact, I owe you a review from weeks and week ago. Too many funerals to attend in Feb more or less back to normal this week. I always enjoy your ramblings. Regards

    1. Hi Mike, No worries, whenever you get to it. I’ve delayed release of the novel until at least June, pending the outcomes of a breakthrough novel contest I entered. Glad you enjoy my ramblings! Best regards, Randall

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